Welcome to the pages for the embassies and permanent missions of the Norwegian foreign service. This page contains all Norwegian diplomatic missions and the countries with which Norway has diplomatic relations.
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Norway`s Permanent Mission to the African Union is situated in Addis Ababa. Norway and the African Union work together on the areas of peace and security, democracy and governance, as well as sustainable development and job creation.
The Norwegian Permanent Mission to the Council of Europe is located in Strasbourg and is committed to ensure the respect and protection of human rights and to reinforce the rule of law in a democratic Europe.
The Mission to the EU in Brussels is Norway's largest foreign mission. It maintains the EEA agreement and all other areas of cooperation between Norway and the EU
Norway has been an active participant in NATO since the alliance was founded in 1949. The Norwegian Delegation participates in developing and implementing NATO policies, programs and activities.
Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York
Den faste delegasjonen i Paris fremmer norske interesser i OECD og UNESCO, er bindeledd til andre norske myndigheter og informerer om aktuelle saker.
The Norwegian delegation to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is the main link between the organisation and Norwegian authorities. The OSCE headquarters and secretariat are situated in Vienna.
Norway’s mission to the UN institutions in Rome upholds Norwegian policies, values and interests in the three UN agencies dedicated to Food and Agriculture in Rome: FAO, WFP and IFAD.
The missions in Geneva represent Norway in numerous international organisations within the fields of trade, human rights, humanitarian issues, disarmament, global health and other issues.
Consulates general
The Consulate General in St. Petersburg facilitates the development of ties between Norway and the city of St. Petersburg and the surrounding counties. В задачи Генерального консульства в Санкт-Петербурге входит работа по укреплению связей между Норвегией и Санкт-Петербургом с прилегающими областями.
The Consulate General in Mumbai was established in 2015 to strengthen Indo-Norwegian cooperation. We work closely with the Norwegian Embassy in New Delhi, Innovation Norway, Norwegian Energy Partners (NORWEP) and the Norwegian Business Association India (NBAI) to promote Norwegian interests within the consular jurisdiction, covering Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa.
The Norwegian Consulate General in New York works to promote Norwegian art, design, culture and business interest in the U.S. Our office is the hub for Schengen visa applications on the North and South American continents. We also provide consular services for 22 states on the east coast of the U.S. Established in 1906, our office is the largest and oldest Norwegian Consulate General in the US.
Nossas principais tarefas são promover as empresas Norueguesas e Noruega e ajudar os cidadãos noruegueses aqui. Também temos alguns projetos culturais para ajudar a promover artistas, músicas, filmes, literatura, Noruegueses, etc . Nossa área geográfica está concentrada nos estados do Rio de Janeiro e em todo o litoral, incluindo o Piauí, no norte. - Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro
Norway has been represented by a consulate in San Francisco since 1906, and by a consulate general since 1938, all the while looking after the interests of Norwegian citizens and businesses in its area of jurisdiction.
Norway and Shanghai has longstanding ties, with the first Norwegian consular presence dating back to 1853. The Consulate General’s main focus is to promote economic-, cultural- and academic relations with Eastern China.
The Consulate General in Murmansk is closed. Utanriksdepartementet stengjer generalkonsulatet i Murmansk for publikumstenester frå og med 1. juli 2022. Det vil opna igjen når situasjonen tillet det. Det vil framleis vera vanleg drift av ambassaden i Moskva og generalkonsulatet i St. Petersburg.